Third-party employment-related background checks are highly regulated and primarily governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA outlines specific requirements for background check firms, also known as Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs), as well as for the end users of the background check reports, our clients. Non-compliance can result in stiff legal penalties and opens the door to costly civil litigation.
The FCRA dictates strict procedures for CRAs, including what can be reported and how to handle disputes by consumers. To start, end users must have a permissible purpose to obtain a consumer report. Requesting organizations must also follow disclosure/authorization requirements and comply with adverse action procedures. In addition to the FCRA, which is a federal law, many states and cities impose their own laws and regulations.
Integras Intelligence maintains detailed policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all federal and state-level reporting requirements. Additionally, our analysts and management receive extensive instruction, including FCRA certification training from the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). Finally, Integras continuously invests in legal guidance and support, both with in-house counsel and with a renowned employment law firm.
With the heavy costs of penalties, litigation, and reputational damage, compliance is imperative. Integras provides clients with answers and guidance to help navigate these complicated issues.
NY Private Investigator Unique ID #11000134853